How to Encourage Kids from Overcoming the Smartphone Addiction?

Nowadays, people of all ages are addicted to smartphones. With the technology advancement, smartphones have made the communication easier with the use of zillion of applications that makes connectivity among people more stronger. But there are so many bad impacts it leaves especially on the kids. That is why it’s necessary to make sure that your kids will not get addicted to smartphones.

dealing with smartphone addiction in kids

Keep your kids indulged in other activities that bring them joy and can sharpen their skill as well. Some of these activities that makes easier for you in dealing with smartphone addiction in kids are as under-


Sports is one of the best options for the kids. It will increase their interest in playing outdoor or indoor games instead of playing games on mobiles. You should figure out which sports your kids are attracted to the most. Enroll them with a sports club that will keep them busy.

Schedule time

In order to keep your kids away from the smartphones, schedule their time. Discuss with your kids and note down the fixed hours of doing things accordingly. Ask them to give you the smartphones while having dinner, while doing homework and when they are helping you in doing other household activities. This strategy will surely help you.


Spread awareness among your kids about the cons of using smartphones excessively. Kids have very sharp and delicate minds. When it comes to making them understand something easily, you canread articles, news in front of your kids that tells about all negative effects of smartphones. In this way they will surely limit their use of smartphones.

Security lock

Smartphones itself can help you in solving this problem. Set security lock on your smartphones so that they won’t be able to use it. Other than this, you can even track all the data of your kids that they are using with the help of some applications. In this way, you can get to know everything that your kids are doing in their spare time.

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Limit your usage of the smartphone

Before asking your kids to limit their smartphones usage, you should make sure that you do this first. It’s a fact that kids imitate their parents. So, if they see you glued with your smartphones always, they will surely follow you.Limit yourself from the smartphones excessively, it will automatically hit in your kid’s mind. This way, your kid’s will stop using smartphones unnecessarily.

There is no doubt that smartphones give us so many advantages and make most of our things more convenient. But at the time, it is a curse for your kids if they get addicted to it. Follow all the steps that help you in dealing with smartphone addiction in kids in our blog of BabyCouture.

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